Saturday, May 30, 2009

Finally....this is the truth

The house is extremely silent. The only sound that surrounding the house comes from my laptop.

With my shaking hands and wrenching heart, I cant believe what I see at the moment. 

My eyes are covered by mist.I read his blog repeat and repeat again. 4 times. I read it 4 times....again and again....

I had a total of 5 dates last year.........all…horribly twisted......... " what?! I cant believe our precious  memories is a ....horribly twisted memories for him. ...halo? let's make it clear who messed the thing up!?

I think I can never understand him. He always mysterised himself.

I have been finding many excuses to make a happy ending for our story without really listening to my friends cruel but true opinions. 

I liked him so much, Bastard! 4 months ago.

Thanks you. Really.
I accepted the truth.


Eric said...

sound grey,do i noe him?

cutie said...

better nop